Tag: personal

  • Advice I Give Myself

    Advice I Give Myself

    The Mainzer Cats image doesn’t have much to do with this post, but it looks awfully advice-y, doesn’t it? Advice is such a loaded word. So much of it is unwanted, yet when we need it, we really need it. All of us are guilty from time to time (to time) of not taking our…

  • Updates, Ahoy!

    Updates, Ahoy!

    Greetings and salutations! Does anyone else love Heathers? The 1989 movie version, that is — with Winona Ryder? I love it and I’m definitely more of a Veronica than a Heather. Anywhooooo — I thought I’d update you all on a few things about which you may or may not be interested! MY POOR TOE…

  • Pool, Podcast, Chicken Teeth, CatCon, and Mouth Troubles

    Pool, Podcast, Chicken Teeth, CatCon, and Mouth Troubles

    I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seats wondering, “What’s Angie been up to?” Wonder no longer! The pool in my building finally opened and I’ve been hanging out there when I can. One thing I notice is that, even in shallow water, I stand on my tippy toes. What’s up with…

  • To All the Ideas I’ve Loved Before

    To All the Ideas I’ve Loved Before

    At any given time, I have about 2,124 ideas swirling around in my head. Over the years, I’ve ran with some of them, and other times I’ve left them to float around in the ether, hopefully landing in someone else’s idea bank. Have you read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert? She’s also the one who…

  • Anxiety and Monkey Poop

    Anxiety and Monkey Poop

    More than 98.2% of the things I fret about never happen, and I try really hard not to worry, but alas … there are my mind monkeys hurling their own their poop at one other. That’s right, my mind is oftentimes filled with monkey poop. I’ve lived with anxiety my entire life. After a crapload…

  • I’ll Keep the Change

    I’ll Keep the Change

    Wowowow. It feels like change is everywhere for me lately. It’s so much change that I wish I could take it into the bank and put it in one of those machines that will give me dolla’ bills. And it’s not bad change — I can just feel all this energy swirling around me and…