I know you’ve all been on the edge of your seats wondering, “What’s Angie been up to?” Wonder no longer!
The pool in my building finally opened and I’ve been hanging out there when I can. One thing I notice is that, even in shallow water, I stand on my tippy toes. What’s up with that?

My podcast, Paws Rewind: Gen X + Cats, launches Monday! It’s been about six weeks since I had the idea to create one and I did it! Well, with the help of my tech-savvy boyfriend, Chris. If you haven’t listened to the teaser, here you go: Paws Rewind Teaser. There will be a new episode each Monday and you can listen to it on my site or subscribe via iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or TuneIn. Really, who doesn’t want to hear a couple of weirdo women talk about growing up in the 70s and 80s … and cats?
We’re getting new neighbors today. Chris and I have been imagining they’ll become our best friends and we’ll play board games and have fancy cocktail nights together. Stay tuned for the new-neighbor update.
I painted my toenails RED. I know … big deal, but they were gross. Also, POOL.
For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been on Team CatCon for four years. I help with lots of things behind the scenes and have also appeared there. This year it’s on August 4th and 5th in Pasadena, and you should totally go. Get tickets here.
If you follow me on Instagram, please note my username has gone from @catladyland to @angiebaileyauthor. I promise — there’s still a heavy cat presence over there. Well, not a HEAVY CAT presence … you know what I mean. If you don’t follow me, go within and ask yourself why you make such choices, and then click over here and follow. #pleaseloveme
I had a weird dream that a guy was drawing a chicken. The chicken had big human teeth. I woke myself (and Chris) up laughing at the big-tooth chicken.

Do you watch the new Queer Eye on Netflix? Did you know season two starts on June 15th? Do you know how excited I am? What if THEY were our new neighbors? #fingerscrossed
I went to the dentist last week for a cleaning … and apparently to discover I need a couple of fillings. Can I get Valium at Costco?
Speaking of mouth troubles, my 16-year-old Cosmo’s had a series of issues. It’s a loooong story, but he’s going in for a second biopsy tomorrow. His veterinarian and the specialist are kind of at a loss as to what’s going on with him. Update to come.

I’ll leave you with what I always told my kids when they left the house to do whatever teenage kids do: “Make good choices.”
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