Tag: cosmo
Advice I Give Myself
The Mainzer Cats image doesn’t have much to do with this post, but it looks awfully advice-y, doesn’t it? Advice is such a loaded word. So much of it is unwanted, yet when we need it, we really need it. All of us are guilty from time to time (to time) of not taking our…
Updates, Ahoy!
Greetings and salutations! Does anyone else love Heathers? The 1989 movie version, that is — with Winona Ryder? I love it and I’m definitely more of a Veronica than a Heather. Anywhooooo — I thought I’d update you all on a few things about which you may or may not be interested! MY POOR TOE…
My Boy’s Holding Up
Thank you for your kind comments and supportive thoughts on my last post about Cosmo’s oral cancer diagnosis. I thought it’d be a good time for an update. The vet says he has weeks-to-months of life to share with us. I’m not sure from when that clock started ticking because he’s had mouth issues since…
Update on Cosmo’s Health
A little over a week ago, my blog post included a worry I had about Cosmos’s oral health. He was getting ready to go in for a second biopsy due mysterious mouth swelling and ulcers. Over the last few days, several readers and friends have asked for an update on Cosmo’s condition. I’m finally ready…